Services and Programssuperadmin2024-05-08T10:26:23+08:00
Breastfeeding Station
A breastfeeding station is located at at Academic Union Office shared with AUPAEU-OU, 2nd floor, located at the Main Building (In front of Audio-Visual Room) for all who will need a room to breastfeed their infant. A refrigerator is available for milk storage and snacks are available as well. The UP Open University provides this lactation station as mandated by the Republic Act 10028 or the Expanded Breastfeeding Promotion Act of 2009 to government institutions and agencies.
Kid's Corner
For UPOU constituents who have children they need help taking care of while they are in the premises of the campus, a child-minding center or kids’ corner is set-up at the Office of Gender Concerns. Republic Act No. 8980 or the Early Childhood Care and Development (ECCD) Act mandates the institutionalization of a comprehensive, integrative and sustainable National System for ECCD at the national and local levels among the government.
Gender-Focused Research Grant
The Office of Gender Concerns (OGC), in collaboration with the Research and Publication Committee (RPC), may provide grants to proponents of gender-focused research. Proposal submissions may be sent to the official e-mail of the Office of Gender Concerns: [email protected]